2013 Federal Overreach Summit
An opportunity for Alaskans to come together to highlight their stories and experiences on Federal land and natural resource development in our State, then work together to identify possible solutions.
What is the Summit about?
The duties of the Citizens' Advisory Commission on Federal Areas (CACFA) are found in Alaska Statute 41.37.220, Duties of the Commission, which reads: "...(a)The Commission shall consider, research, and hold hearings on the consistency with federal law and congressional intent on management, operation, planning, development, and additions to federal management areas in the state; (b) The Commission shall consider, research, and hold hearings on the effect of federal regulations and federal management decisions on the people of the state; (c) The Commission may, after consideration of the public policy concerns under (a) and (b) of this section, make a recommendation on the concerns identified under (a) and (b) of this section to an agency of the state or to the agency of the United States that manages federal land in the state."
In an effort to meet this mandate and follow through on issues brought before it for discussion over the last several years, the Commission hosted the Summit, August 12-13, 2013. Participants and guests were invited to assemble, discuss, authoritatively document, and raise awareness of Alaska's relationship with Federal land and resource management agencies. The Commission's goal is to generate rational, collaborative, and effective recommendations which can be presented to our State and Congressional leaders for implementation.
What are the Objectives of the Summit?
1. Examine the legal promises made to Alaska at Statehood by the Federal government for accessing, managing and developing our lands and resources.
2. Document specific examples of how the Federal Government has failed to honor those promises.
3. Develop achievable State and Congressional policy initiatives and redouble efforts to reverse Federal actions that infringe on Alaska's sovereign right to manage and access its land, water and wildlife resources and maintain the Alaskan lifestyle.
4. Form a coalition of organizations, agencies, companies and individuals who can continue the work.
What if I was unable to attend the Meeting?
If you were unable to attend this meeting in Anchorage, the entire Summit was streamed line online at Alaska Legislative TV and archived at Gavel Alaska. The archive can be viewed HERE.
Also all the proceedings, handouts and presentations have been posted on this site.
Unable to make it but have a comment or story you'd like included in the public record?
Email us at: dnr.cacfa@alaska.gov. All comments must include your name and contact information.
What about the final report?
A full TRANSCRIPT of the Summit was produced. Discussion of the issues identified at the Summit continued at the Commission's fall meeting in Anchorage, Oct. 3, 4 & 5, 2013 and in Juneau, January 24 & 25, 2014. Staff developed a summary of the issues that were discussed at the Summit and submitted it to the Governor and the Legislature along with the Commission's ANNUAL REPORT. During a work session in Anchorage on February 11, 12 & 13, 2014, Commission members and staff compiled a comprehensive list of ISSUES and RECOMMENDATIONS from the summary and worked that information into a Power Point presentation which was presented to the House Judiciary Committee and shared with the Governor on March 19, 2014.