Annie Grenier,
Education Coordinator
Office of Boating Safety
550 W. 7th Avenue, #1380
Anchorage, AK 99501-3561
(907) 269-6041 phone
(907) 269-8907 fax
email: Annie Grenier
Boating Safety Awards
All NASBLA Awards 2017
The Office of Boating Safety was recognized with three awards at the 2017 NASBLA conference. Education Specialist Kelli Toth was named the 2017 National Boating Safety Educator of the Year, the Office of Boating Safety was presented with the NASBLA Innovations Award, and Boating Law Administrator Jeff Johnson was inducted into the National Boating Safety Council's National Boating Safety Hall of Fame.
Educator of the Year Award
The Boating Educator of the Year Award was launched by NASBLA in 2011 to recognize those who go above to engage students and boaters, raise awareness, and make boating education initiatives relevant, thorough, and exciting.
Innovations in Outreach Award
The innovations in Outreach Award is presented to a program or initiative that demonstrates the hightest level of innovation leading to advances in boating safety.
Alaska Boating Safety Educator of the Year 2015: Kelli Toth
Alaska Boating Safety Educator of the Year 2010: Mike Morris
Boating Safety Hall of Fame
Inductees are chosen from among those who have demonstrated vital leadership and support through many years of service to boating safety.
Honorary Memership: Jeff Johnson U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary (2018)
36th Annual Telly Award (2015)
"The State of Alaska Office of Boating Safety (OBS) has been named a two-time Bronze winner in the 36th Annual Telly Awards for its 2015 television spots for the Pledge to Live campaign titled "Pledge to Live" and "Hypothermia". With nearly 12,000 entries from all 50 states and numerous countries, this is a prestigious accomplishment.\ "The Telly Awards has a mission to honor the very best in film and video," said Linda Day, Executive Director of the Telly Awards. "The Office of Boating Safety's awards illustrate its dedication to using great production and creatively conveying its high value mission." \The Telly Awards was founded in 1979 and is the premier award honoring outstanding local, regional, and cable TV commercials and programs, the finest video and film productions, and online commercials, video and films. Winners represent the best work of the most respected advertising agencies, production companies, television stations, cable operators, and corporate video departments in the world. To view the two award-winning commercials visit:
Alaska Boating Safety Educator of the Year: Dean & Nanci Terencio (2014)
The Garner Award: National Boating Safety Leadership Award (2014)
Established in tribute to William B. Garner, who successfully marshaled the national first boat operator licensing law through state legislature, the Garner Award is presented to those men and women whose outstanding effort and achievement elevated state or federal policy interventions to heights not previously attained. A representative of state or federal government in acive service or retired is eligible for this award.
Hollister Award (2014)
Jeff Johnson, Alaska's Boating Law Administrator was presented with the Hollister Award at the Western States Boating Administrators Association (WSBAA) annual conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico.\WSBAA's oldest and most prestigious award, the Hollister award recognizes outstanding contributions to boating safety by an individual or group (public or private). \ Alaska's first boating law administrator, Jeff, has lead the Alaska Office of Boating Safety since its beginnings in 1998. Active in the boating safety community, he is currently chairman, and was a founding member of the National Boating Education Standards Panel, and is on his second term as a member of the Department of Homeland Security's National Boating Safety Advisory Council.
Compass Award (2010)
"The Compass Award is a means of recognizing a NASBLA member agency for significant measures and leadership it has taken to develop a model of performance in a specific area. In the maritime domain, the compass is a tool that we use to help chart new territory or navigate through and beyond unfamiliar waters and challenges that lie ahead. Receipt of this award identifies an agency whose program, effort or initiative has truly enhanced our nation's safety and security, and one that has become a model for us to follow." (NASBLA, 2018)
Alaska Boating Safety Educator of the Year: Megan Piersma (2009)
Boating Safety Youth Award: Office of Boating Safety (2009)
The Boating Safety Youth Award, sponsored by Patron Member BoatU.S. Foundation, encourages the development of innovating boating safety education programs directed at youth. For a youth boating program to qualify, it must integrate safety practices into the program and be aimed at students less than 18 years of age. Selection priority will be given to unique or innovative programs with the primary goal of increasing boating safety.
Award of Merit (2015)
Tha National Water Safety Congress' award program recognizes the many water safety professionals, dedicated volunteers and stakeholder organizations that make outstanding contributions to water safety. \ The Award of Merit is awarded to an individual that the Awards Committee believes made a significant contribution or an outstanding effort to enhance or promote water safety at the local or state level.
Bonner Award (2008)
The Bonner Award is presented to a state or federal boating official who exemplifies the leadership qualities displayed by former Congressman Herbert C. Bonner of North Carolina, author of othe Bonner Act (better known as the Federal Boating Safety Act of 1958). \ This award has been presented to numerous United States Senators and Congressmen, state boating law administrators and Coast Guard personnel over the years.
The State Office of Boating Safety recognizes individuals, groups or organizations for their contributions to recreational boating safety through its awards program. There are two general categories of awards: Education and Program.
Want to submit a Nomination?
Nominations should include all the information that you feel is pertinent but be limited to two pages or less (unless otherwise noted). Please include the nominee's full name, organization or agency (if applicable) and their contact information. All nominations will be treated as confidential by the award selections panel.
Nominations can be mailed to:
Annie Grenier
Alaska Office of Boating Safety
550 W. 7th Ave. Suite 1380
Anchorage, Alaska 99501