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How to Register Emergency Equipment

The On-Line Application System (OLAS) is a web based computer program that allows vendors to enter information which they are offering to the Division of Forestry for rental in emergency response situations. The State and vendor must agree to mobilize or use the equipment during emergencies.


You must first register by clicking on the Vendor Registration button. Choose a User ID and password. Remember to keep this information in a secure location as you will need the information whenever you log into your account. If you forget or misplace your User ID or Password, you can select the Forgot Password or Forgot Username tabs at the login portal. You will be sent an access code to the email address provide d during vendor registration.

You will use your User ID and password to Login whenever you want to add new equipment or remove equipment from your account. All equipment is subject to the availability at the time of contact and listing equipment in the system does not commit the vendor to renting it to the Division.

Next, you will be asked to acknowledge that neither you, your company or your principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency. A “Yes” means you are allowed to proceed.

Next you will be required to acknowledge if you have an immediate family member that is a Division of Forestry employee. If you have a familial relationship with a Division of Forestry employee, a Contractor Exception form needs to be approved by the Regional Forester and your equipment will likely be the last hired and the first released.

Immediate Family Member is defined as:

  • (A) The spouse of the Forestry employee;
  • (B) A person cohabiting with the Forestry employee in a conjugal relationship that is not a legal marriage;
  • (C) A child, including a stepchild and an adoptive child, of the Forestry employee;
  • (D) A parent, sibling, grandparent, aunt, or uncle of the Forestry employee; and
  • (E) A parent or sibling of the Forestry employee's spouse or conjugal partner

Fill in all the information including phone numbers, email address, business address, and so forth, to complete your profile .

Registering Pieces of Equipment

You must first decide what equipment you are willing to rent or offer to the state. Most equipment is rented with a vendor provided operator so you will need to determine if you can provide good equipment with qualified staff during the fire season. The program will take you through a series of screens and the drop down menus or forms that appear are easy to fill out. You will need to fill out a separate series of entries for each piece of equipment so it is advisable to gather all of the information you need before starting the data entry process.

Before you log into your account to enter information regarding your equipment you should gather the following information related to each piece of equipment:

  • Horsepower
  • Manufacturer
  • Make and Model
  • License Plate or Registration number
  • Serial Number or Vehicle Identification Number
  • Other descriptive Information as needed

In order to register equipment you first select the button. A color coded map of Alaska appears and you select where your equipment is located. This will determine which local office will manage your equipment in OLAS.

A series of drop down menus will appear when you register your equipment and this will help you fill in the required information. Please fill out the information carefully as errors could result in hiring or payment delays. Your equipment must be listed in the database to be hired and you can add additional equipment at any time.

As you register a piece of equipment you will be shown the "Agency" and/or "Agency Vehicle Only" rates and have the option to enter in a "Vendor Suggested" or "Vendor Suggested Vehicle Only" rate. If you prefer the Agency rates enter in the same value.

If your equipment does not fit into any of the categories established for equipment types, you select "Other" and a phone number will appear for you to contact for assistance.

YES or NO radio button. If you have an employee operator for your equipment click YES, resource will be non-compliant until you upload a copy of your workers comp insurance under the "Upload necessary documents" section. Equipment will be hired last and released first from an incident. Click no if it is owner operated, no workers comp required.

The final step in registering a piece of equipment is for you to confirm that you will abide by all of the Conditions of Hire. Read the conditions very carefully as you will be required to verify that you have read and agreed to abide by all the conditions of hire. It is recommended that you print a copy for your records as you will want to review them at the time your equipment is actually hired. The conditions of hire lay out the terms and conditions of employment. The Conditions of Hire are also posted on the website referred above.

After registering your equipment you need to take no further action. When a dispatcher needs to hire equipment they will search the On-line EERA database for the resources that meets their requirements. The dispatcher will contact the vendor to confirm the equipment is available and will be able to meet the desired delivery time frames. If the decision is made to hire your equipment, you will be told when and where to report. You will receive an email regarding the specific equipment hired. Also, a copy of the agreement (Form OF-294) will automatically appear in your account and may be viewed or printed through the View Agreements tab.