CIAP Grants Work Page
State Agency Initiated Tier 1 Projects
In order to receive funding, project contacts must provide DCOM with a completed Project Narrative and Budget Narrative using the templates provided below. DCOM will use these documents to apply for the grant from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement (BOEMRE-formerly MMS). Once BOEMRE awards the grant, DCOM will use a reimbursable services agreement (RSA) to pass the funds to the agency conducting the project. Project contacts should allow for at least 6 months to receive the RSA after submitting the completed templates.
- Project Narrative Template for state agencies
- revised February 2011 - Budget Narrative Template for state agencies
- revised February 2011
Publicly Solicited Projects and Legislatively Named Recipient Projects
Project contacts should work through the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (DCCED) to complete the Project Narrative and Budget Narrative templates. DCOM will use these documents to apply for the federal grant from BOEMRE. Once BOEMRE awards the grant, DCOM will use a reimbursable services agreement to pass the funds to DCCED, who will then grant the funds to the organization conducting the project. Project contacts should allow for at least 6 months to receive the grant from DCCED after submitting the completed templates.
- Federal grant Project Narrative Template for CCIAP
- Federal grant Budget Narrative Template for CCIAP
Coastal Political Subdivision (CPS) Projects
While DCOM is available to assist the CPSs with the grant application process, each CPS is responsible for applying for its own project grants directly from BOEMRE. The CPSs are encouraged to use the state’s project and budget narrative templates above.
Examples of State Project Grants
- Geohazards Evaluation and Geologic Mapping for Coastal Communities - Amendment
- Project Narrative
- Budget Narrative
- Evaluating the distribution and status of polar bears to improve oil and gas mitigation in the Chukchi Sea
- Project Narrative
- Budget Narrative
- Kuk River and Kugrua River Stream Surveys - Baseline Fish Data Collection
- Project Narrative
- Budget Narrative
- Community Mapping for Southeast Alaska
- Project Narrative
- Budget Narrative
September 16 - 17, 2008 MMS Grants Workshop Materials
- CIAP 2008 Workshop Amendments PowerPoint
- CIAP 2008 Workshop ASAP PowerPoint
- CIAP 2008 Workshop Grants PowerPoint
- AK Program Announcement Construction
- AK Program Announcement NonConstruction
- SF- 424
- Title 43 Section 12
- Admin Cost and Audit Principles
- Reporting PowerPoint
- Progress Reports
- Attachment A: Financial Status Report
- Attachment B: Federal Cash Transactions Report
- Forms PowerPoint
- SF- 424 A (New Version)
- SF- 424 a (Older version with instructions)
- SF- 424 B
- GG- Lobbying
- SF- 424 C
- SF- 424 C instructions (excel)
- SF- 424 C instructions (pdf)
- SF- 424 D
- Procurement PowerPoint
- Title 43 section 12.76 Procurement
Other Links
CIAP Surge Newsletter
Vol 1 Issue 1 Aug. 2013
Vol 1 Issue 2 Nov. 2013
Vol 2 Issue 1 May 2014
Vol 2 Issue 2 Oct. 2014
Alaska CIAP
Alaska CIAP Plan
List of Projects: State agency, Publically Solicited, and Named Recipient Projects
List of Projects: CPS Projects
Energy Policy Act of 2005
2007-2010 CIAP Allocations to Alaska
2001 CIAP Plan
Eligible Political Subdivisions
North Slope
Northwest Arctic
Kenai Peninsula
Kodiak Island
Lake and Peninsula
Bristol Bay Borough
Municipality of Anchorage
Participating State Programs
For More Information
Contact Sylvia Kreel
Alaska CIAP Project Coordinator
Contact Stacey Norman
Alaska CIAP Grant Administrator
AK DNR – Office of Project Management and Permitting
400 Willoughby Ave, Ste 400
P.O. Box 111010
Juneau, AK, 99811-1010
Phone: (907) 465-3177