Appointments Strongly Encouraged For In-Person Assistance
The friendly Mat-Su Forestry staff are happy to assist you with your questions and firewood permits needs. However, we may be in the field or out of the office so to ensure someone is available to assist you, please call 761-6300 or 761.6301 to set up a time to meet with one of our staff.
Mat-Su Area Cutting Stipulations
Permits are limited to no more than 10 cords of firewood per household per year. This sale is for personal use only and none of the material is to be sold or bartered. This permit does not allow cutting on private lands, federal lands, or private/commercial timber sales, or lands owned or managed by the University of Alaska, Alaska Mental Health Trust, Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, or the Alaska Railroad. Commercial operators should contact the Mat-Su Area Office.
The permit is issued subject to the following conditions:
- Cut stumps to within one foot of the ground.
- Lop and scatter slash. Remove all slash larger than 5" diameter or cut into 20-inch lengths and scatter on the forest floor.
- Conduct safe operations and be considerate of others. Do not leave partially cut trees hung up in standing timber.
- Move all debris at least ten feet off of road bed.
- Cut and operate only in areas noted on map. It is the purchaser’s responsibility to ensure that timber harvest and related operations occur only on State lands.
- Do not harvest trees within 100 feet of private property.
- Do not harvest trees within 100 feet of any waterbodies, streams, or wetlands.
- Do not cross any fish bearing waters without prior written approval from the Department of Fish and Game.
- Do not "clear cut" large areas, partial/selective cut instead.
- This permit may be cancelled at any time by the Department of Natural Resources.
- **Where Birch Cutting is permitted, only harvest birch with diameters 10 inches at breast height or larger or live white spruce 12 inches at breast height or larger. (Except in beetle kill spruce corridors-No birch or green spruce)
- ***Designated Spruce Beetle harvest corridors-Cut only DEAD spruce (no green showing).
Willer-Kash, Zero Lake, Sullivan Ave, Mile 190 Personal Use Beetle Kill Cutting Areas
Permits are limited to no more than 10 cords of firewood per household per year. This sale is for personal use only and none of the material is to be sold or bartered.
The permit is issued subject to the following conditions:
- Cut beetle-killed Spruce ONLY, NO BIRCH.
- Do not harvest live/green spruce.
- **Follow all other Mat-Su Area firewood cutting stipulations below.