Southwest Firewood Cutting Stipulations
State of Alaska Lands
Permits are limited to no more than 10 cords of firewood per household per year. This permit is for personal use only and none of the material is to be sold or bartered. If this section of the permit is violated, the permittee may be prosecuted (AS 41.17.135).
The permit is issued subject to the following conditions:
- This permit is for dead standing or down timber. No live trees can be harvested.
- This permit may be cancelled at any time by the Department of Natural Resources.
- Cut and operate only in areas noted on map.
- Anything cut by the permittee greater than 5 inches in diameter must be removed by the permittee.
- Stumps should be no more than 12 inches high.
- Lop and scatter slash. Remove all slash larger than 5" or cut into 20 inch lengths and leave on the forest floor.
- Be considerate to other people using trails, parking/staging areas, and roads.
- Observe posted signs.
- The use of heavy equipment including, but not limited to: skidders, log trucks, back hoes, dozers, front end loaders or excavators is prohibited.
- Permitee is responsible for securing access to firewood areas.
- Permit holders are responsible to ensure that firewood harvest and related activities occur only on State lands.
- Do not harvest trees within 100 feet of any waterbodies, streams, or wetlands.
- Do not cross any fish bearing waters without written approval from the Department of Fish and Game.
- Do not harvest trees within 100 feet of private property.
- Do not "clear cut" large areas, partial/selective cut instead.