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The following stipulations apply to the gathering of personal use fuelwood within Copper River Area woodlots and other state forested lands.  Be sure you read all stipulations applicable to the woodlot you have selected.  All applicable stipulations must be adhered to for the protection of resources. Proper adherence will assist land managers in ensuring that these resources will be available for others in the community and for generations to come.

The Copper River Forestry staff are happy to assist you with your questions and firewood permits needs. If you stop by our office in Tazlina, we may be in the field or out of the office, so to ensure someone is available to assist you, please call (907) 822-8676 to set up a time to meet with one of our staff or to have your questions answered in a timely manner.



1.      Cut and operate only in areas noted on map.  Permittee shall have and carry a copy of the area map, as well a copy of their permit, while cutting and removing wood from state land.  Know what land you are on before cutting anything.  This permit does not allow cutting on private lands, federal lands, or private/commercial timber sales, or lands owned or managed by the University of Alaska, Alaska Mental Health Trust, Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, native corporation lands or the Alaska Railroad. 

2.      Green fuelwood is limited to spruce trees nine inches in diameter or smaller at breast height.  Green spruce 10 inches and larger is available for purchase as house logs or saw logs, and may not be cut under the provisions of this permit.  Dead aspen and dead spruce of any size, standing or downed, may be cut for fuelwood. Anything cut by the permittee greater than 5 inches in diameter must be removed by the permittee. Stumps should be no more than 12 inches high.  Slash should be lopped and scattered.  Do not leave partially cut trees hung up in standing timber.  Do not cut live trees or disturb small trees.

3.      No cutting of trees within 300 feet of any water-body or 100 feet of any wetland or muskeg.  Do not cut within 100 feet of private land.

4.      No skidding or hauling shall be permitted during periods of wet ground conditions. This includes but is not limited to break-up.  The use of heavy equipment including, but not limited to: skidders, log trucks, back hoes, dozers, front end loaders or excavators is prohibited.

5.      Permits are limited to no more than 10 cords of firewood per household per year.  This sale is for personal use only and none of the material is to be sold or bartered. If this section of the contract is violated, the contractor may be prosecuted (AS 41.17.135).  Commercial operators should contact the Valdez/Copper River Area Office.

6.      Be considerate to other people using the logging roads.  Vehicles, including snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles may be present in the firewood areas at all times.  Drive with an abundance of caution.  Please refrain from littering and ensure that you are packing out everything you brought with you.

7.      Personal use permits shall not be subcontracted without written request and subsequent approval of the Forester-in-Charge. In cases where subcontracting is approved by the Forester-in-Charge, the subcontractor must be provided a copy of the contract by the Purchaser and must have this contract on their person when operating. Subcontractor’s name and current address must be given to the Forester-in-Charge by the Purchaser. Use of a subcontractor in no way relieves the original Purchaser of any contractual obligations.

8.      The permittee agrees to indemnify and save harmless the State of Alaska and it’s employees from and against all claims, demands, judgments, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) which may arise by reason of injury to any person or damage to any property attributable to negligence of the Purchaser, his officers, agents or employees, in connection with the Purchaser’s occupancy and use of the property.

9.      Violation of this contract or any part thereof can result in immediate termination of Purchaser’s permit with all monies forfeited to the State. The State shall hold Purchaser liable for any damages resulting from a contract violation.  This permit may be cancelled at any time by the Division of Forestry and fire Protection.  All permits are valid for 12 months from the date of issuance.


In addition to Stipulations 1-9:

1.      The Lowe River Personal Use Woodlot requires crossing the Lowe River. This woodlot is for winter use only. Winter conditions are defined as at least one foot of settled snow over frozen ground.

2.    Dead spruce trees of any diameter can be harvested for fuelwood.

3.    Harvest of any timber may not be undertaken within:

·         330 feet of any eagle nest

·         5 feet immediately adjacent any creek

·         100 feet immediately adjacent Canyon Slough

4.      You must have a permit from the Department of Fish and Game, Habitat Section. The permit can be obtained free online at Click on “Authorized Vehicle Stream Crossings” and scroll to Lowe River. If you have questions about the Fish Habitat Permit you can contact the Habitat Section at (907) 267-2342.

5.      No equipment other than snow machine or 4 wheel-drive pickup truck may be used for wood harvesting without the written approval of the Forester in charge (contact Dub Evans at (907) 822-8676).

6.      Felled trees must be removed immediately.



Personal Use Timber Sale Supplement

Fuelwood/Sawlog (On-line purchasing is limited to Fuelwood only, Sawlogs can be purchased by contacting Dub Evans or his designee at (907) 822-8676 )

As you would expect there are some fundamental rules that need adherence to if you are going to harvest wood in these personal use wood lots.  To ensure the longevity of these cutting areas and provide for additional areas in the future please take the time to read these cutting stipulations carefully and make sure you understand them. 

The Current Active Cutting Areas is depicted on attached map for:

Unit L (north and south of highway)

1. This permit entitles the holder to enter by legal means only on state lands described in the permit for the purpose of cutting the type and quantity of timber specified in this contract.  Neither quantity nor access is guaranteed.

2.  The purchase will be responsible for staying inside the harvest unit boundary as designated on the map or flagged boundary.

3.  These stipulations, along with the individual’s permit and map must be in the possession of the permittee at all times when wood is being removed from the active harvest area. Permits are valid for 12 months from the date of issue.

4.  A Proxy Wood Harvesting Permit may be obtained for senior citizens or the disabled. Contact the Forester-in-Charge or his designee for a permit. (See Condition #13 for additional information)

5.  This permit is for the harvest of personal use only and none of the material can be sold or bartered. If this section of the contract is violated the permittee may be prosecuted under (AS 41.17.135)

6.  Each household will be issued one permit per year for up to 10000 board feet.  This 10000 board feet can be a total of 24 individual sawlog size trees (832 board feet per tree) or 10 cords of fuelwood size trees not to exceed 25 individual trees (200 board feet per tree) or a combination of sawlogs and fuelwood not to exceed 10000 board feet. (See paragraph 8 below for diameter size specification). Permits are valid for 12 months from the date of issue.

7.  Unit-L sawlogs have not been marked, but are identified as logs having a butt diameter 18 inches or larger. Fuelwood trees are described as trees less than 18 inches in diameter at the butt. The permittee is responsible for physically making this measurement.

8.  No new roads and landings may be constructed.

9.  All logs shall be removed from the sale area prior to the expiration date of the contract.  Logs left within the sale area after permit expiration become the property of the State.

10.  No logs shall be decked or stored in such a way as to block or otherwise impede recognized public or private access.

11.  This permit will not exclude the State from permitting other operators from simultaneous use of the same area, roads, and trails. The State assumes no responsibility for logs left within the permit area.

12.  Personal use permits shall not be proxied without a written permit from the Forester-in-Charge or his designee (see paragraph # 4). In cases where a proxy permit is approved, the subcontractor must be provided, and have on person when operating, a copy of the Personal Use Contract and the Proxy Permit.  Subcontractors name and current address must be given to the Forester-in-Charge by the Permittee. Use of a subcontractor in no way relieves the original Permittee of any contractual obligations. A Subcontractor can only have in possession one Proxy Permit at a time.

13.  The Permittee agrees to indemnify and save harmless the State of Alaska and its employees from and against all claims, demands, judgments, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) which may arise by reason of injury to any person or damage to any property attributable to negligence of the Permittee, his officers, agents or employees, in connection with the Permittee’s occupancy and use of the property.

14.  Violation of this contract or any part thereof can result in immediate termination of Permittee’s permit with all monies forfeited to the State. The State shall hold the Permittee liable for any damages resulting from a contract violation.



In addition to stipulations 1-9 for All Woodlots above:

  1. Portions of the Upper Tonsina woodlot have been designated as a mineral extraction area prior to being opened for firewood harvest.  Therefore, please observe a temporary cessation of firewood cutting operations when any work is underway for mineral extraction.  Yield the area to the mineral extraction folks during these times to ensure a safe and efficient working environment for all parties.
  2. Do not create new ATV trails.  Use of a snowmachine is recommended for harvesting wood away from the trails, during periods when snow levels are sufficient to allow for little to no ground disturbance.



In addition to stipulations 1-9 for All Woodlots above:

  1. Prior to cutting any fuelwood, the Forester-in-charge shall be provided with a map of the proposed cutting area OR a descriptive location (ie. Lat-Long, Township Range) that will allow them to make an assessment of the location and provide approval for a permit.  Please contact Dub Evans at (907) 822-8676.
  2. After purchase of a permit is completed through the online process, permittee will limit cutting of fuelwood to the boundaries provided by the Forester-in-charge or their designee.
  3. Some area outside the designated personal use fuelwood cutting areas may require other stipulations that are difficult to anticipate ahead of time.  If such stipulations are identified as necessary by the Forester-in-charge, they will be provided with the boundaries mentioned in #2, and are to be adhered to along with all other, aforementioned stipulations.